SHOCKINGLY, THERE are over 20 million homeless or abandoned children in the world today
Every child deserves a chance, every soul is special, every birth is a blessing. Here at The Bambino Tree we strongly believe in giving back, in supporting those less fortunate. There are many babies, toddlers and children out there suffering through no fault of their own, they'll never have the love ar opportunities that our children will. Only by banding together and doing our part will we be able to create a world that is kind to all its children.
With this is in mind we have chosen to support the work of the Abandoned Children's Fund. They are a bridge between our hearts and the world's lonely, fearful, abandoned children. They have not forgotten these helpless children and neither will we. Please be advised the video below contains some upsetting images.
The social stigma associated with abandoning one's child (in any culture) causes parents to decide in secret to abandon their children with deep shame added to the devastating heartache.
Quietly plans are made to bring a child from a remote village to the city, on the pretext of visiting the marketplace or a distant relative. The child is brought to a busy street corner and told to wait a moment for momma to return with a drink of water. Momma never returns.
Abandoned children are sometimes carried deep into the forest or far out into the desert or a swamp and left in the wild to avoid the shameful mark of child abandonment.
When abandoned in populated areas sometimes there are orphanages or strangers homes to which the child is delivered. Sometimes there is none.
Work being done
The Abandoned Children's Fund is supporting young lives in desperate need across the globe.
In Mexico, Haiti, Philippines, Ethiopia, Uganda, Ghana and Kenya. Excellent work is being done to rescue children from abuse and get them off the streets where they are so vulnerable and into homes and schools. Their wish is to extend their work into even more countries with our help.
Stories of hope
Blademir, a Filipino boy, was found at the age of 4, grossly underweight with bruises and burns on his body.
Now, placed in the first home that provided him love, care and acceptance he is flourishing. Presently, he's attending a pre-school program where he plays and learns; positively interacting with other kids in a non-threatening environment. A smile is beginning to grow on his beautiful face.